Sometimes your message is more than just educating the audience. More than merely informing, you want to incite change. At LGH we assist you in turning intention into action. Your message becomes something people want to be a part of, something they can aspire to.
Reach Higher Shasta

Campaign Dates

Reach Higher Shasta is a multi-organization initiative working to connect students and industry. Students need to know what businesses require to hire them; businesses need certain skill sets from their applicants; and teachers need to know how to provide the right instruction.
- Lead a six-organization collaborative effort to identify clear goals and outcomes
- Architect a strategy to appeal to each sector: Educators, Businesses, and Students
- Connect the dots by helping teachers understand what local businesses need from job applicants and helping students be more effective in their job searches

How we approached it.
- Create print and digital collateral to reiterate the goals of the campaign
- Engage businesses and civic leaders through thoughtful dialog
- Provide assets to businesses, students, and teachers to connect the dots, improve soft skills, and increase the talent of the younger working generation