To reach for something previously thought unreachable. To strive, to encourage, to create a belief in oneself.Sometimes a message, a project, an initiative has bigger ambitions than just providing products or services.Sometimes the goal is simply to see your customer achieve.
My Scary World

Campaign Dates

Most all career exploration websites are designed as adults speaking to children. With our vast education marketing experience, we knew there's a better way to generate interest and motivate kids. Here are some of the challenges we faced:
- Speaking to kids on their level
- Engage a traditionally and historically underserved and disaffected youth segment
- Develop an experience that excites, instead of prohibits students

Here's how we achieved these goals:
- Create an engaging themed Web site (My Scary World)
- Develop a relatable mascot
- Design an experience unparalleled by competitors
- Produce videos that engage and excite students
- Develop graphics specific to age group
- Build a lasting internet presence to help kids
- Create a learning + information portal for teachers and parents (